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Discovering Happiness

Discovering Happiness

Discovering Happiness

7 Power Mantras to Help You Through a Difficult Day

by Shannon Kaiser
December, 2013


Finding lasting happiness seems to be like getting in shape physically. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but the more you do it the easier it becomes. You have to work your positivity muscles daily; if you do it, over time it will become much easier. Soon enough you want have to try to get "happy" because you're "happy" will be strong through constant use.

But even still some of the happiest people in the world still experience difficult days. But rather than staying in the depression, happy people will focus on solutions over the problem. Some turn to power mantras to help pull them through rough patches. If you are going through a tough time, these power mantras can help.
















Mantra quotes from my book "Find Your Happy"
Photos by Solene Lombardo {Dare to Believe Photographie}


See article from source:

7 Power Mantras to Help You Through a Difficult Day