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Taunton, Somerset, UK

is a New Compassionate City


Taunton, Somerset, UK is a New Compassionate City

On September 28th 2024, in the afternoon, a very historic event happened here in Taunton, Somerset, UK, at The Taunton Minster. The Mayor, Cllr Vanessa Garside, The Deputy Mayor, Cllr Martin Straus, Rev’d Tobie Osmond, The Vicar of The Minster, The Lord High Sheriff, Rob Beckley and Andy Spragg from The Sangha House, all signed The Charter for Compassion, declaring Taunton a Compassionate Town. Andy Spragg has been gently working with the Council for 5 years, towards this signing.

What does it mean for the town? Well, in the Mayor’s words, it is a commitment by the Town Council to undertake decisions and policies with a compassionate perspective. Embodying compassion into all its decisions. We are the 3rd town in the UK to sign. Andy Spragg a UK representative for the Charter for Compassion now has the task of rippling the charter down through the town and out into wider Somerset. The Mayors of Glastonbury and Wells have already expressed an interest in signing.

This truly is a historic event for the town and Andy is now encouraging people across the town to sign the charter and help to drive compassion into our companies, social organisations and at an individual level, right through the town. He has organised a public signing, with the Mayor, on October 10th.



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