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Read Our Blog

Blog Posts 2022

Where in the World

A notebook with the star of david, another one with the star and crescent moon representing islam, and another one with a cross.

Where in the world can you experience a cross-section of peoples and cultures in one setting? Where can you encounter notable figures from all walks of life sharing their thoughts, authors signing their books, young people enjoying each other's company, participate in a platform of world music, art, and dance each day, and be fed by the Sikh community in a langar? You'll find all this happening as The Parliament of the World's Religions returns to its birthplace, Chicago, IL, 130 years after the first gathering of interfaith leaders in 1893. From August 14-18, participants from more than 200 diverse religious, indigenous, and secular beliefs from more than 80 nations will converge in the windy city (by the way, Milwaukee, WI has more wind, Chicago got its name from long-winded politicians). The Parliament doesn't convene every year, but when it does, it truly is a happening.

Prior to the 2015 Salt Lake City Parliament, the Charter for Compassion and the Parliament signed a Memorandum of Understanding recognizing a spirit of shared cooperation. The agreement recognized that the two organizations share a common focus on promoting understanding, cooperation, and compassionate action across religious and cultural boundaries. While they operate independently, there is a connection between the two through shared values and collaborative efforts.

Both the Parliament and the Charter recognize the importance of interfaith dialogue, cooperation, and the application of shared values in addressing global issues such as poverty, conflict, environmental degradation, and inequality. While the Parliament of the World's Religions focuses on interfaith engagement and dialogue, the Charter for Compassion provides a framework for individuals and communities to actively embody and promote compassion in our daily lives.

Over the next weeks, the Charter will devote a portion of our newsletter to aspects of the 2023 Parliament, the Charter track of offerings at the Parliament, pre-Parliament online events, and our Compassion Banquet on August 16, in which we present the Charter for Compassion Karen Armstrong Humanitarian Awards. We realize that not everyone who receives this newsletter will be able to make it to Chicago, but we will do our best to share information that comes out of the Parliament with our whole Charter family.

With warm regards,
