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Blog Posts 2022

The Interconnected Path to Survival

The Interconnected Path to Survival, an origami swan to the left, an origami humming bird flying in the center, and origami airplane flying to the left as showing an evolution.

In a world that often seems fraught with division and uncertainty, we may wonder what will carry us through these turbulent times. The answer lies in three fundamental forces: love, hope, and compassion. These are not just lofty ideals or distant dreams—they are practical necessities for our survival, both as individuals and as a global community.

At their core, love, hope, and compassion are deeply interconnected. Love, the most powerful human emotion, forms the foundation. It is through love that we form relationships, communities, and a sense of belonging. Love opens the door for hope, for it is in the people and the world we care about that we find reasons to believe in a better future. Compassion, then, is love in action. It is our ability to step outside of ourselves and respond to the pain and needs of others, and it is what transforms love and hope into tangible, life-saving acts.

Together, these three values create a feedback loop. Compassion fosters hope by helping others believe that someone cares for them. Hope nurtures love, reminding us that there is a future worth working toward. And love sustains compassion, driving us to continue our work in the face of challenges. Each feeds into the other, forming a powerful cycle that keeps us going.


person walking with upper half body above water levels wearing a hat and using an umbrella facing away


Rethinking Darwin

We often hear of Darwin’s theory of “survival of the fittest,” but what if we reconsidered what “fittest” means? In reality, Darwin himself observed that it wasn’t merely the strongest or most aggressive species that survived, but rather those who were best able to cooperate and care for one another. In his lesser-known writings, Darwin pointed out that human survival has been largely due to our ability to live in groups, cooperate, and extend kindness and compassion to others. In essence, it was not the fiercest, but the kindest, who thrived.

This idea—that survival depends on compassion—is evident throughout human history. Communities that practiced generosity and mutual care have always been more resilient in the face of crises. In times of war, natural disaster, or disease, it is those who look out for others, who extend help, and who show kindness that ultimately survive and thrive. Compassion is a survival skill.

In today’s world, the necessity of love, hope, and compassion has never been clearer. The challenges we face—climate change, inequality, global conflict—require solutions rooted in care for one another and for our planet. Love compels us to fight for justice. Hope gives us the courage to believe that we can make a difference. And compassion drives the actions needed to create that change.

Without compassion, we risk becoming isolated and disconnected, unable to respond to the challenges that affect us all. But when we act with compassion—toward others and toward ourselves—we build bridges, find strength, and foster the resilience needed to overcome adversity.

The interconnectedness of love, hope, and compassion is not just philosophical—it is a blueprint for survival. As we move forward into an uncertain future, we must keep these values at the forefront of our actions and decisions. Let us remember that the key to thriving as individuals and as a species does not lie in competition or self-preservation, but in kindness, cooperation, and a shared sense of purpose.

In the words of Darwin, it is not the strongest who survive, but those who work together, who care for one another, and who bring love, hope, and compassion into the world. Our future depends on it.

on love, hope and compassion webinar series


Four-Part Webinar Series on Love, Hope, and Compassion

Join us for an inspiring four-part series that explores the essential role of hope, love, and compassion in creating a more just and harmonious world. Through personal stories, expert insights, and visionary thinking, this series will invite participants to reflect on how these values shape our lives and communities, and how we can actively cultivate them to build a brighter future.


Part 1: The Power of Stories – An Open Forum on Hope, Love, and Compassion

In this introductory session, participants are invited to share their own stories about the importance of hope, love, and compassion in their lives. Through an appreciative inquiry approach, we will explore how these values bring meaning, connection, and healing to our personal experiences and communities. This open dialogue will create a foundation for deeper engagement throughout the series, fostering a shared sense of purpose and understanding. Moderators for this session are Sue Cooper, Co-Director of Feast for the Soul, and Marilyn Turkovich, Charter for Compassion Executive Director.

Wednesday, October 9, 9 am PT / 12 pm ET / 5 pm BST / 6 pm CEST / 9:30 pm IST
Click/Tap here to register for Part 1


Part 2: Choosing Love and Shining Hope – Insights from Scarlett Lewis and Kathryn Goetzke

In this session, we are honored to welcome Scarlett Lewis, founder of the Choose Love Foundation, and Kathryn Goetzke, founder of the Shine Hope Company. Scarlett Lewis, who started her foundation after the tragic loss of her son, will share her journey of transforming grief into a global movement for love and resilience. Kathryn Goetzke will speak about her work in spreading hope and mental well-being through her innovative company. Together, they will offer profound insights into how hope and love can lead to healing, growth, and societal change.

Thursday, October 17, 9 am PT / 12 pm ET / 5 pm BST / 6 pm CEST / 9:30 pm IST
Click/Tap here to register for Part 2


Part 3: Imagining the Future – A World Built on Hope, Love, and Compassion

What would our world look like if we embraced hope, love, and compassion in every aspect of our lives? This session will guide participants through a visionary exercise, imagining a future where these values shape our relationships, communities, and global systems. Through collaborative discussion, we will explore the potential for transformation and the practical steps we can take to bring this future into reality. Moderators for this session are New York Times best-selling author, Jacqueline Winspear, and Charter for Compassion Trustee and founder of Compassionate Las Vegas, Gard Jameson.

Wednesday, October 23, 9 am PT / 12 pm ET / 5 pm BST / 6 pm CEST / 9:30 pm IST
Click/Tap here to register for Part 3


Part 4: Compassion in Action – Turning Values into Practice

The final session will focus on moving from vision to action. We will discuss concrete ways to practice compassion in daily life, from small personal gestures to larger community initiatives. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on the impact they want to make and to commit to compassionate actions that support love and hope in the world. This concluding forum will leave participants empowered and ready to contribute to a more compassionate and hopeful future. Moderators: the Interfaith Amigos.

Thursday, November 7, 9 am PT / 12 pm ET / 4 pm GMT / 6 pm CEST / 10:30 pm IST
Click/Tap here to register for Part 4