Across the United States and many other parts of the world, we are witnessing governments that no longer prioritize the well-being of their people. Cuts to essential services—education, healthcare, food assistance, housing, and social safety nets—are leaving countless individuals vulnerable. These policies do not reflect the will of a compassionate society; they reflect the will of power and profit at the expense of dignity and humanity.
It is understandable to feel helpless in the face of such systemic injustice. That helplessness, however, is what those in power count on. They want us to feel overwhelmed, to believe that our voices do not matter, that resistance is futile. But history has shown us that when people come together with a shared purpose, they can bring about extraordinary change.
The first step is naming what is happening. We must refuse to normalize cruelty and indifference. We must call out policies that prioritize the wealthy while stripping essential services from those in need. Silence allows injustice to grow unchecked. Our voices—whether through conversations, social media, letters to the editor, or public demonstrations—can awaken others to the truth.
One of the most effective tools of oppressive governments is isolation—convincing people they are alone in their struggles. The reality is that millions of people are feeling the same outrage, fear, and frustration that you are. Seek them out. Build community. Support workers striking for fair wages. Join advocacy groups fighting for justice. Show up at town halls and city council meetings. Together, we are stronger.
It is easy to think that only grand gestures matter—marches of millions, landmark legislation, massive shifts in leadership. But the smallest acts of defiance can create momentum. Talk to neighbors. Write letters. Show up. Protest. Refuse to be complicit. Every movement for justice—civil rights, labor rights, gender equality—started with ordinary people who refused to accept injustice as inevitable.
Every oppressive government believes it is invincible. Every corrupt leader assumes they are untouchable. But history teaches us otherwise. Tyranny has always been brought down by people who refused to accept it. Women won the right to vote. Segregation was overturned. The Vietnam War ended. Apartheid ended. Dictators have fallen. But only because people dared to demand change.
It takes courage to stand up. It takes courage to speak out. But courage is contagious. When one person takes a stand, others begin to believe they can too. Be that spark in your community. The world has never been changed by those who waited for permission.
We are at a crossroads. The path of inaction leads only to deeper suffering and greater inequality. The path of action, though difficult, leads toward justice, dignity, and hope.
What will we choose?
With warm regards,
Marilyn Turkovich