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40 Days of Peace 2024

American Textures

Crossing Borders Education


February 22, 26, 29

Practicing the Art of Dialogue to serve Social Justice

Join us for a heartfelt workshop that models the process of developing the skills for building trust, group cohesion and open dialogue.


Dates: 22, 26, 29 February 

Time: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Pacific Time 

Facilitator: Linda Huskes, Crossing Borders Education


Workshop Details

American Textures’ is an immersive three-session workshop that aims to create a safe, brave and inclusive space where participants can engage in meaningful dialogue and share experiences. This program has two distinct parts: 

  • In the first two sessions we focus on ‘Building a Peer Community’, in which, participants can foster emotional resilience and practice skills for the art of dialogue across difference.
  • In the third session we focus on ‘Dialogue across Difference’, where we invite participants to engage in open, empathic and honest conversations about the personal impact of race, stereotypes, and cultural social differences, based on Crossing Borders Education’s feature documentary film ‘American Textures.’

This workshop can then serve you to build community with people and initiatives you care about. It provides a format for group experiences in which we share authentically and listen deeply to each other’s personal stories of overcoming in a safe environment.


Watch this 30 second video to see key aspects of our programs' mission:


About The Film

‘American Textures’ follows six young Americans of Black, White and Latino origin on a road trip through diverse communities in the southern United States to confront race through dialogue. The journey pushes them to risk sharing their own stories, struggles and hopes. 

The film is produced together with media-based awareness tools, which foster skills and character strengths that support constructive dialogue such as: robust empathy, openness, active listening, courage, and awareness of self and other. We get to witness the film’s protagonists’ journeys around interracial issues. The film is produced as a practical support for diverse individuals and groups to engage in open and honest conversations.

The Format 

Crossing Borders Education (CBE) has developed an interactive methodology that is peer-led and that uses break out rooms to form small groups. These small groups will be the same for all three sessions to support trust building and deep connections between participants. The sessions are not recorded, to allow privacy and confidentiality for the dialogues in small groups. You are invited to find out more about the unique CBE peer-led methodology here. 



‘In order to respond to global crises and social justice issues we will need to transform education. I believe the CBE virtual peer method can make a significant contribution in that process.’ Charles Hopkins, UNESCO chair, York University, Canada.

‘The CBE session on Emotional Resilience was such a powerful experience of connection and reflection. Listening deeply to others’ stories and having my own voice heard with empathy and acceptance gave me a strong sense of community that I find mostly missing from virtual professional spaces.’ Dr Kris Acheson-Clair, Purdue University, Director of CILMAR.



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