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40k for 40 Days

January 31:
Day 15

40k for 40 days

January 31: Day 15

Day 15 - Quotes That Stop Us in Our Stride

Two random quotes have been going around my mind and, no doubt, my body as well today. So, while moving and trying to make sense of them, for me, my world, and for our family and community context too.

The first quote comes from a recently acquired friend and compassionate colleague. He's from a turbulent but apparently beautiful part of India that I have longed to visit. He appears to be a very worldly and wise man who loves to share his wisdom and his zest for life. Two of his favorite things are sharing music and dancing, to paint a picture for you. He said something, quite off the cuff, during a meeting this morning, and it's been with me ever since. He just released it with a smile and calmness in his voice,

"In our head we have pieces; in our heart we can have peace.

During this day and throughout this challenge, I've been attempting to put some different jigsaw pieces into multiple puzzles about peace. I've also been striving to feel or activate that peace in my heart. I know I'm not far off, but I'm enjoying the journey so far either way!

The second quote is from someone much more well-known to the world but also a fan and creator of art. He was born 101 years before I was, in Màlaga in the South of Spain, but he also lived in the city where I currently live with my family, Madrid, before being connected and associated with many other cities around the world.

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

Pablo Picasso

So, my question to anyone making it this far to read this blog is just that... What is your gift, and how can you give it away, to whom?

This has also been with me now for the last 24 hours or so. I believe that at least one gift that I have been given and appreciate very much, is my ability to simply move. Move physically using my body and ask questions while in motion. Move through life phases, hardships, celebrations, relationships, roles, and responsibilities, move locations, cultures, time zones, and through our life cycle, again, asking questions to myself and others, reflecting, observing, and then sharing.

Ideally, my gift can be shared to empower the next generation, but this is, in all honesty, for anyone willing and open to listen and receive.

This challenge is filled with meaning and purpose for me and so, I move into it with more excitement and energy as the days move with me.





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