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The E.A.R.T.H. Series

Golden Rule Day

April 5th

Golden Rule Day – The Charter’s Environment, Peace, Health, RISE and Social Justice Sectors will be active throughout the programming suggesting ways you can engage in making the world a better place for all who live on Planet Earth–our common home, including:

  • Collective Envisioning – a discussion from the Charter’s Environment, Peace, Health, RISE and Social Justice Sectors along with special guests. 
  • Participate in a meditative, spiritual ecology-based activity
  • Learn about our Compassion Tree Project – engage in tree planting efforts around the world
  • Participate in a nature-based, sensory-immersive activity
  • Learn about Heal the Waters – an annual world-wide water ceremony held on May 1st @ 5:01 pm local time
  • Learn about the free mini-course that will be offered through the Charter Education Institute
  • Enjoy songs with important messages for our Earth



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