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World Interfaith Harmony Week

World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021

What is most needed for us to heal as human race, is for us to gather in community in safe spaces that allow for our hearts to be open so we may speak freely and offer a non-judgemental presence for listening deeply to others.

The Charter for Compassion is deeply honored to bring to you a week of Circle Gatherings, which you are invited to join by way of registering for our events online, listed on our website. Be a part of a variety of circles and partake in a Q&A with the circle hosts and participants or share your experience.

Some circles to choose from include: Harmonious families, Climate Conversations, Self Compassion, Sacred Activism and more.


February 2

8:00-9:30 am PT: A Harmony Circle for Families: watch the recording

This Harmony Circle that we call The Family Call invites you to experience the power of connection that transcends time, space, distance, and any of the past wounds that many of us experience in a family.



February 3

6:00-7:00 am PT: Harmonious Interdependence: watch the recording

Interdependence recognizes that we are all part of an extensive ecosystem and are dependent on other individuals, institutions, and the environment to survive and thrive.  This recognition of interdependence acknowledges that our individual actions affect others.  Learning to appreciate this interdependence can have a lasting impact on us as individuals as well as our communities.   To meet the global challenges we face today, we must understand and appreciate interdependence.  We would love for you to join this group of Compassionate Integrity Training facilitators, alumni, and advocates for an inspiring dialogue related to harmonious interdependence.



7:00-9:30 am PT: Compassionate Coexistence - A Path to Interfaith Harmony: watch the recording

This two part series with Thom Bond, introduces an evolutionary way of thinking and speaking that is changing the way we humans think about conflict, compassion, and the prospects for harmonious spiritual diversity in our future.



February 5

4:00-5:00 am PT: Contemplative Activism Circle

For this event, we will sit together in a contemplative disposition, intending to bring that which contemplates into our participation in this shared virtual space.


February 6

7:00-8:00 am PT: Experifaith: Using Personal Experiences To Connect With People of Other Faiths: watch the recording

Experifaith is a simple model that allows people of all faiths to connect through their experiences. By focusing on the paths of Oneness and Goodness and the resulting actions of contemplation, meditation/prayer, service, and love/compassion, people of all persuasions can communicate and learn more about areas of experience that they might have in common. During this session, Gudjon Bergmann will outline the model and then host a discussion panel based on the process. 



February 7

8:00-9:00 am PT: Meditation and Activism: watch the recording


This session will provide a process for integrating meditation with activism.  In this session, we will explore and experience how this InterSpiritual 7-step meditation can help us to become an agent for positive change in the world.  It will be an introduction to a book and a comprehensive online course By Dr. Ed Bastian that is endorsed by the Charter for Compassion, and co-sponsored by Spiritual Directors International and Antioch University.

3:00 pm PT: Sacred Space in Every City: watch the recording


Come join in interfaith community for transformative practice,  compassionate listening, and community connection. Participate in an hour of Sacred Space and then take this model to your friends or city as a resource for contemplative living and living in unity with all people. Join in the mission of cultivating compassion through reflective practices and contemplative activism so that all beings can thrive.


Watch the following video where Mark Bugos presents: Eliminating Religious Discrimination. Listen to a heart-felt conversation between 10 young people of different religions as they explore questions of faith, dogma, acceptance and compassion. Everyone can learn something from this important conversation.

IMG-5682Charter for Compassion partner, Films for the Planet, is currently featuring the film Wisdom Weavers of the World for free! Don't miss this opportunity - view here!




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