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World Summit of Nobel Laureates for Peace

Charter for Compassion Award Banquet

World Summit

Charter for Compassion Award Banquet

2023's finale at the Charter for Compassion Award Banquet

The Charter for Compassion has proven that when the right combination of people come together, the world rises to its feet, tears flow, hearts swell and smiles encircle the globe. In the past, the Charter has gathered worldwide, in person and virtually, to recognize some of the most extraordinary and honorable people whose lives signify compassionate action to the 10th degree. We hear from people at the grassroots level, those working in the fields of health and scientific research, musicians who recognize their call to preserve cultural roots in addition to using their talents to educate beyond musical notes, and social justice advocates who are spurred by small victories that collectively result in equity.

This year's recipients will be announced in this space on September 1, 2024. Join us the evening of September 19 to celebrate who they and to enjoy a memorable evening of inspiration, an opportunity to meet new friends and enjoy a vegan meal, a Charter for Compassion tradition. The event will be at the Centro de Convenciones de Pabellon, the same location of the Summit and the doors open at 6:15 pm and we will begin at 6:45 pm. The cost is $75 dollars per seat. Sponsorships for tables is also available.

Please contact Lynn for future information on sponsorship.


You will receive a message immediately after your registration. The doors for the banquet will open at 7:00 PM. No need for a ticket, we will have your name on our list. You can check in at the Charter for Compassion booth during any day of the Summit to get your table assignment. Our booth will be in the central atrium of the Centro de Convenciones de Pabellon.


Past Award Recipients

2023 Awardees

Ron Nirenberg, Mayor of San Antonio, TX, USA, former chair of Sister Cities International, Chair of US Mayor Conference on the Center for Compassionate and Equitable Cities and Architect of Compassionate USA 

Valarie Kaur, founder of the Revolutionary Love Project is is a civil rights leader, movement lawyer, faith leader, filmmaker, author, and innovator. 

Charles Barker, MD, MPH, Th.M., was founder of Compassionate Dallas/ Fort Worth, former chair of the Charter for Compassion Board of Trustees. His medical emphasis was on preventive medicine and bioethics. 

Scarlett Lewis, co-founded the Jesse Lewis Choose Love MovementTM. Today the Choose Love Formula, an inter-generational educational program has been taught to over 2 million kids;+ adults in more than 100 countries. 


2022 Awardees

Riane Eisler
Deogratias Niyizonkiza

Mary Robinson
United World Colleges


2021 Awardees

9/11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows 
Roshi Joan Halifax
Cynthia Sears
Vandana Shiva
Rabbi Soetendorp

The Parents Circle - Families Forum
Krista Tippett
Magdalena Whoolery
Isabel Wilkerson


2018 Awardees

Rev. Joan Brown Campbell 
Lianne Dalziel and the People of Christchurch, NZ
Imam Malik

Rotary International
Bishop William Swing


2015 Awardee

Greg Fischer


2014 Awardees

AIDS Life Cycle
Joan Blades
Chinatown CDC

Dignity Health
One Billions Rising

Horizon Foundation
Libby and Len Traubman



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