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Invited Summit Presenters

Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam

Invited Summit Presenters

Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam

Champion of Interfaith Dialogue and Legal Excellence

Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam is a distinguished Egyptian jurist, diplomat, and advocate for interfaith dialogue, known for his significant contributions to promoting peace, tolerance, and understanding between diverse religious communities. His work in the legal and diplomatic arenas has positioned him as a leading figure in the global movement towards coexistence and mutual respect.

Born in Egypt, Judge Abdelsalam exhibited an early interest in law and justice. He pursued his legal studies at Al-Azhar University, one of the world's most prestigious Islamic institutions, where he earned his degree in Islamic Sharia and Law. His education provided him with a deep understanding of Islamic jurisprudence, as well as a foundation in civil law.

Judge Abdelsalam's career in law began with his appointment as a judge in the Egyptian judiciary, where he quickly earned a reputation for his fairness, integrity, and dedication to justice. His judicial work has spanned various legal disciplines, demonstrating his versatility and commitment to upholding the rule of law.

Beyond his judicial duties, Judge Abdelsalam has been a fervent advocate for interfaith dialogue and cooperation. His work in this field has been instrumental in fostering greater understanding and collaboration between different religious communities, particularly between Muslims and Christians. He has been actively involved in numerous initiatives aimed at promoting peace, tolerance, and mutual respect.

One of Judge Abdelsalam's most notable achievements is his role in the drafting and promotion of the Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together, signed in February 2019 by Pope Francis and Sheikh Ahmed El-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar. This historic document calls for global peace, coexistence, and the protection of human rights, and it has been widely recognized as a significant milestone in interfaith relations.

Judge Abdelsalam serves as the Secretary-General of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, an organization established to implement the principles of the Human Fraternity Document. Under his leadership, the Committee has launched various initiatives to promote interfaith dialogue, cultural exchange, and educational programs that encourage understanding and harmony among different faiths.

In recognition of his tireless efforts and significant contributions to promoting peace and interfaith dialogue, Judge Abdelsalam has received numerous accolades and awards from various international organizations and religious institutions. His work continues to inspire individuals and communities worldwide to pursue paths of dialogue and cooperation.

Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam's dedication to justice, peace, and interfaith dialogue has made him a prominent figure in the global efforts to foster understanding and coexistence among diverse religious communities. His legal expertise and diplomatic acumen have been instrumental in bridging divides and building a more inclusive and harmonious world.

Through his leadership in initiatives like the Human Fraternity Document and the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, Judge Abdelsalam exemplifies the power of dialogue and collaboration in achieving lasting peace and mutual respect. His work serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for those committed to creating a world where all individuals, regardless of their faith, can live together in harmony and dignity.



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