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Women in War, Women in Peace

Women in War, Women in Peace

Women in War, Women in Peace

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Women of Peace: The First Nine Nobel Women

May El-Khalil: Making Peace is a Marathon

Trojan Women in the Twenty First Century: Women in War from Euripides to Syria

Leymah Gbowee: A Powerful Voice for Peace

Women’s Participation, Leadership Crucial to Peace Processes – UN Security Council

Women as Peacemakers

The Compassion of Women of Afghanistan for the Women of Gaza

Zainab Salbi: Women, Wartime and the Dream of Peace

Mothers, Daughters, and Slavery Make Disturbing 2014 Holiday News Part 2

Mothers, Daughters, and Slavery Make Disturbing Holiday News in 2014 Part I

The Women’s Spirituality Circle of Williams Lake, British Columbia

The Power of Women: Amy Poehler's Emotional Speech About Giving

Grounded in Peace: Why Gender Matters

Women Healing the World



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