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Muriel Quint

Muriel Quint

Hubba hubba! Muriel Lowenthal was a sassy in-the-know sixteen year-old in the above picture.  The year was 1943, and World War II, though far from her native New York, was at the center of her teenage life.  The music of the era reflected the war, get togethers were often to work with organizations aiding the war effort.  Often boys who graduated from high school last year were among those who disappeared or were killed in action this year.  Life for most was turned upside down.  There was no escaping the war: it dominated the newsreels and press, presented itself through rations and scarity of goods and placed limits on future plans. Nonetheless, life went on, as you will see through Muriel's writing on the following pages.

A few years after the war, when Muriel was in college, she met the love of her life through an introduction of a fellow classmate. Muriel's future husband had been in the army and was in charge of a group of German prisoners-of-war that were interned in a detention camp in North Carolina.  Many years later, Muriel sat down to write her recollections of World War II and its affect on her life..  In addition to writing her stories, Muriel dug deep in her storage unit to find pictures, her school's newspaper, and other memorabilia that she shares here.