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Natalya Gorbanevskaya

Natalya Gorbanevskaya


For Your Freedom and Ours--translation of the Banner used by the Red Square Demonstrators


Natalya Gorbanevskaya and seven other protesters demonstrated in Red Square on September 25, 1968 against the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. The other demonstrators were Larisa Bogoraz, Konstantin Babtsky, Vadim Delaunay, Vladimir Dremluga, Pavel Litvinov, Viktor Fainberg, and Tatiana Baeva.

Gorbanevskaya was not tried with her friends because she had a new baby, but she published an account of the trial called Red Square at Noon. At the trial, the KGB characterized the banners the dissidents held as "anti-soviet" and "false."

Gorbanevskaya was arrested in December, 1969, and locked up in a mental hospital until February, 1972.