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Robi Damelin

Robi Damelin

This is a Ted talk given by Robi Damelin, a Global Compassion Council member for the Charter for Compassion International.  Learn more about Robi, the letter she wrote to her son's killerand the organization that she founded, Parents Circle- Families Forum.  Visit the Charter for Compassion International's YouTube Channel to find videos similar to the video presented here.  Consult Tedx Talks Tel-Aviv.

Robi, an Israeli mother, ponders the possibility of meeting her son David's killer, and can't help wonder how honest she is with herself in her quest for reconciliation. Can a person who stole the life of a women's child ever truly be forgiven? Is the dialogue between perpetrators and victims the key to ending the bloody never ending Israeli/Palestinian conflict? And can a glimmer of hope come from a place of unbearable pain? Recognizing the humanity in the other must be a recipe for ending the cycle of violence.

Source: Youtube: Can I reconcile with the man who killed my son: Robi Damelin at TEDxTelAvivWomen