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Sector Team

Sector Team

Sector Team


Karen Ball, Peace Sector Coordinator

Karen, a Mediator, is a native to North Western Pennsylvania. Her mediation focus has been in school-based peer mediation and utilizing conflict resolution practices within community policing, court mediation, and victim-offender mediation.  When Karen moved to San Antonio with her family, she began volunteering with community organizing, the Catholic peacemaking with justice movement of Pax Christi, and the peaceCENTER.  She has a passion for building interfaith relationships for a just society through nonviolence.



Steve Leeper was born in 1947, hometown Illinois, U.S. Since moving to Hiroshima in 1984, he has interpreted A-bomb survivor testimonies and translated many documents for the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. In 2002, he started as North American Coordinator of Mayors for Peace. Having served as an executive advisor of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation since 2003, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation in April 2007.

On February 13, 2009, Mr. Steve Leeper, Chairman of the Board of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, won the FY2008 Academia Prize in International Exchange from the Academic Society of Japan located in Kyoto. 

Learn more about Steve



Kurt A Krueger is a native of Los Angeles, where he lives what he teaches and teaches what he lives. Born an identical twin, he was born challenged - initially competing for womb space, he continued competing.  So far he has won 16 medals in four International Senior Olympic swim championships.  Mr. Krueger has taught Peak Performance Practices (PPP) around the world for elite athletes/coaches, performing artists, business people, and others.  His goal is to have everyone physically, mentally, and spiritually fit throughout the 21st Century.  He has been interviewed on Radio/TV/Internet, and/or for the print media on five continents.  Mr. Krueger was a Collegiate All-American swimmer and Hall of Fame inductee at Los Angeles Valley College in Water Polo and Swimming,  he also coached numerous world-record holders; he was a member of Glendale College and Cal St. Uni. - Los Angeles faculties of Psychology and/or Physical Education.  He has also coached soccer, water polo, football, basketball, and track & field. He is an internationally published bestselling author, photographer, coach/lecturer, and corporate consultant.

Learn more about Kurt


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