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Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons

Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons Cooperation Circle is composed of dynamic voices from across the political, professional, spiritual, and geographical spectrums who have united in a single purpose: to eliminate nuclear weapons once and for all. They recite the following prayer together:


The Beginning and the End are in your hands, O Creator of the Universe. And in our hands you have placed the fate of this planet. We, who are tested by having both creative and destructive power in our free will, turn to you in sober fear and in intoxicating hope. We ask for your guidance and to share in your imagination in our deliberations about the use of nuclear force. Help us to lift the fog of atomic darkness that hovers so pervasively over our Earth, Your Earth, so that soon all eyes may see life magnified by your pure light. Bless all of us who wait today for your Presence and who dedicate ourselves to achieve your intended peace and rightful equilibrium on Earth. In the Name of all that is holy and all that is hoped. Amen.

When a former Secretary of State, a former Secretary of Defense, several United States Ambassadors, a famous physicist, and a few friends pray each month for the elimination of nuclear weapons, it raises lots of questions. What do they know that everyone needs to know? Why are they praying? What is their prayer?

Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons is part of the United Religions Initiative; an international nonprofit that brings together people of all faiths and traditions to solve the problems facing our world as a whole.

Join the Charter for Compassion by getting involved in Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons. If you are involved in a compassionate city initiative consider how your community can be in conversation with your local government in bringing this issue to the forefront of governance. Join the movement.


Voices is a Cooperation Circle of the United Religions Initiative (URI) and strategic partner to the Charter for Compassion,  Voices’  purpose is to assist in the effort to abolish nuclear weapons through peace-building and conflict transformation.

Visit their website to learn more and to join in Nuclear Prayer Day and other events.



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