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The Interfaith Amigos Webinar

Date: Thursday, August 3 at 10 AM PDT

Check your local times using this date/time converter.

Cost: Suggested donation $10 US.
We will offer this program free to those whose resources are limited.


Imam Jamal Rahman, Pastor Don Mackenzie and Rabbi Laura Duhan Kaplan lead workshops together in the United States and Israel-Palestine.

Jamal's personal experience as a Muslim after 9/11 moved him to share more of the substance of Islam. Rabbi Ted Falcon, who has recently left the threesome, stepped more visibly into the larger community, teaching how a healing spirituality emerges within Judaism. Don concluded his position as minister of University Congregational UCC to devote more time focusing on the ways a true spirituality supports us in bringing healing to our world. Rabbi Duhan Kaplan recently took the place of Rabbi Ted Falcon when he stepped back.

Together they explore an inclusive spirituality to promote healing that expresses as concrete environmental, social, and political action. They bring a message of deep hope and profound possibilities for healing on both a personal level and a planetary level. Their work comprises a dialogue of the mind, the heart, and the hands, encouraging greater understanding, compassion, and social action in the world.



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