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Bernard Lievegoed Research Center at Free University Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Bernard Lievegoed


The activities within the Bernard Lievegoed Research Center aim to contribute to making long-term care more humane. The scientific research and the methodology of healthcare practice are complementary in this respect.

The objectives are: 
- Clarification with scientific research that is in line with care ethics, among other things 
- Methodization that helps care providers to consciously use their working methods in a transferable way 
- Humanization that promotes humanity and helps clarify the image of mankind and concretize values

With this, the Bernard Lievegoed Research Center wants to build a bridge between scientific theories and anthroposophical practices. This includes, for example, themes such as: attention and meditation; imagination and intuition; rhythm and rituals.


Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Visit Bernard Lievegoed Research Center