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Academy for Mindful Teaching

Leusden, Netherlands

Partners A-E

Academy for Mindful Teaching (Leusden, Netherlands)

Opleiding AMT

De opleiding aan de Internationale Academie voor Mindful Teaching (AMT) kwalificeert je om aandachttraining (ook bekend als mindfulness) aan kinderen/ jongeren te geven in de methode Eline Snel (‘Aandacht werkt!’). De opleiding is bedoeld voor leerkrachten, therapeuten, artsen, orthopedagogen, kindercoaches, psychologen en psychiaters die werken met kinderen in de leeftijd van 4 t/m 19 jaar. Na aanmelding volgt een persoonlijk intakegesprek. Pas na het gesprek wordt de inschrijving definitief na onderlinge overeenstemming.

Eline (1954) established the International Academy for Mindful Teaching several years ago (2009), to train professionals from education and (mental) healthcare in the ‘Mindfulness Matters’ method, mindfulness for children and adolescents. She developed this method from practice. As a mindfulness trainer, she also gives eight-week MBSR training courses to private individuals. For children, adolescents and their parents she has written two books: ‘Sitting still like a Frog’ (2012) and ‘Breathe through this – Mindfulness for Parents and Teenagers’ (2014). Currently, more than 450,000 copies of ‘Sitting still like a Frog’ have been sold in 27 countries.

Since 1980, Eline has been working as an independent therapist and trainer. From 1990, she has been developing meditation and awareness courses. As a certified mindfulness trainer and compassion trainer, she has been training adults, children and adolescents for many years.

The training courses are given in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain and Hong Kong. She works with her daughter and an amazing team of professional and dedicated trainers. She is also guest teacher at the Radboud University Medical Centre for Mindfulness.

Eline Snel has developed four handbooks for different age categories, from 5 to 19 years of age. Because children aged between 4 and 7 proved to need different meditations and work formats to children aged between 8 and 12. This is also true for the differences between 13-year-old adolescents and 19-year-old youths. These handbooks for trainers are now used in many schools. Both in primary and secondary education, and in mental health organisations, revalidation centres and private practices. Thousands of children have now followed the ‘Mindfulness Matters’ training.

Her book, Sitting still like a Frog, Mindfulness for children (5-12 years old) and their parents, has been published in 27 countries and internationally more than 450.000 copies have been sold. An international bestseller. In 2014, Eline published the sequel to ‘the frog’, ‘Breathe through this – Mindfulness for Parents and Teenagers’.

The “frog” method has been scientifically researched and different pilot studies showed positive influence on well being – behaviour – mood swings- learning processes- fear of failure- executive functions.



Leusden, Netherlands