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Action for Sustainable Development Nepal

Kathmandu, Nepal

Partners A-E

Action for Sustainable Development NEPAL

Youth take a leading role to raise awareness and mobilize stakeholders for the SDGs. In this photo, a group of youth from YUWA, a youth organization supported by UNDP pose for a photo during a college-level orientation program on the SDGs. © Laxmi Prasad Ngakhusi/UNDP Nepal.


The successful implementation of the SDGs relies on a country’s own sustainable development policies, and governments have the primary responsibility for monitoring progress made at the national level. Citizens also play a key role to watch and support their governments’ actions. In Nepal, the Government prepared its first SDG country report, detailing and taking stock of its current development context, the starting lie for the SDGs. This report is expected to guide the work plan and implementation of the SDGs in the coming years as Nepal aligns its periodic plans along with the 17 Goals and their targets. This made Nepal the first country in the world to publish its SDG country report and symbolizes Nepal’s commitment and readiness to execute the SDGs.


Relationship to Other Charter for Compassion Sectors and Programs: all sectors

For more information: Nepal Advocacy (PDF)