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Aga Khan University

Karachi, SD, Pakistan

Partners A-E

Aga Khan University (Karachi, SD, Pakistan)

The Aga Khan University is a private, autonomous university that promotes human welfare through research, teaching and community service initiatives. Based on the principles of quality, access, impact and relevance, the University has campuses and programmes in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, the United Kingdom, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Its facilities include teaching hospitals, Faculties of Health Sciences with Schools of Nursing and Midwifery and Medical Colleges, Institutes for Educational Development, an Examination Board and an Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations. The Graduate School of Media and Communications, the East African Institute, the Institute for Human Development and the Kiswahili Centre have been launched recently while several Graduate Professional Schools and Faculties of Arts and Sciences are to be set up in Pakistan and East Africa.

Through its needs-blind admissions policy, the University imbues the most promising leaders and thinkers of tomorrow with an ethic of service and the skills to help communities solve their most pressing challenges.

The Aga Khan University is one of the agencies in the Aga Khan Development Network.

AKU is committed to the development of human capacities through the discovery and dissemination of knowledge, and application through service.

It seeks to prepare individuals for constructive and exemplary leadership roles, and shaping public and private policies, through strength in research and excellence in education, all dedicated to providing meaningful contributions to society.

To advance this mission, AKU will:

  • Offer programmes of international quality
  • Respond to identified needs in the countries and regions which it serves
  • Prioritise teaching and research which will inform and underpin intellectual innovation and change
  • Provide service to advance its educational and research mandate
  • Foster and develop leadership capacity through its education and research programmes
  • Assess its impact and effectiveness
  • Promote access and equity by taking positive measures to make the University inclusive of all socio-economic groups, addressing the particular needs and circumstances of the disadvantaged; promoting the welfare and advancement of women
  • Engage in knowledge networking and emerging technologies
  • Add value by promoting partnership and networking across the Aga Khan Development Network and with other national and international institutions



Karachi, SD, Pakistan



The Aga Khan University