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Newquay, United Kingdom

Partners A-E

Aid4orphans (Newquay, CON, United Kingdom)

How did Aid4orphans come about?

During a family visit to Kenya during August 2007 we visited Likoni Orphanage and Bongwe Primary School and were fortunate enough to spend some time with these lovely children.

Despite the tragic circumstances these children find themselves in they all greeted us with enthusiastic smiles. We were in awe of all the adults who, against all the odds, are dedicated to the children’s welfare. It was a humbling experience which left us with a desire to help them as much  as we can.

On our return we set up and registered our charity which we named Aid4orphans. Registered Charity number 1127422. 

We rely totally on the wonderful support given to us from our family, friends, colleagues, individual sponsors and schools.

Aid4orphans initially developed projects with the purpose of helping make the orphanages and schools happier healthier places for children to grow up in, with the end goal of making them self-sufficient. We implement projects that focuses on improving education, healthcare, basic infrastructure and self sustainability.

We have now extended our work to involve grassroots projects that build stronger communities and tackle the HIV pandemic. We felt that by helping families and strengthening the community, we ensured that they could care and provide for their children resulting in less abandoned or orphaned children.

Africa is a continent in flames. And deep down, if we really accepted that Africans were equal to us, we would all do more to put the fire out. We're standing around with watering cans, when what we really need is the fire brigade.

“Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a Lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle... when the sun comes up, you'd better be running.”



Newquauy, Cornwall, UK



Aid 4 Orphans

Facebook page: Aid 4 Orphans - Child of Mercy Orphanage Centre