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All Beings Everywhere

New York, NY, USA

Partners A-E

All Beings Everywhere

All Beings Everywhere is a place for exploring spirituality and meaning in our modern lives.


Topics include: social justice, parenting, travel, everyday mindfulness and end-of-life.


The name "All Beings Everywhere" comes from the prayer:

May all beings everywhere be happy and free.
And may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life
contribute in some way to the happiness and freedom of all.

All Beings Everywhere is about love over hate.

It’s about listening, cultivating compassion and respect.

And it’s about taking a well-considered stand.

All Beings Everywhere is about being cracked wide open, and living an authentic life.

This is the life we aspire to lead.



New York, NY, USA



All Beings Everywhere

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Relationship to Other Charter for Compassion Sectors and Programs: arts, education and healthcare.