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Asheville Pay It Forward Network

Asheville, NC, USA

Partners A-E

Asheville Pay It Forward Network (Asheville, NC, USA)

The Asheville Pay It Forward Network was formed in September 2011. Its vision is to create a better world where people are more aware of their connectedness to each other, grateful for what they receive in life, and in turn pay it forward to the people around them in whatever way they can.  We believe that everyone has something to give and there is more joy in giving than receiving. Please go to our “Participation” page to find out the many ways of paying forward. 

When we see every little thing we receive in life as a gift and feel gratitude for what is given to us, we should do our best to pay it forward to the next person in whatever ways that are within our means. While we recognize the importance of helping people in need, we do not only give to the poor and the needy. We believe that everyone is worthy of receiving as well as giving. We are different from a charity in that we also endeavor to encourage the receiver to give, creating a ripple effect whereby one small gift has the potential to touch many lives. Everyone has something to give, be it money, time, service, or simply a small act of kindness. Together we can make the world a better place one gift at a time.

This group is not affiliated with any religious, spiritual, or political organization. We are however associated with a much wider network of do-gooders which include Service Space which inspired the creation of the Karma Kitchen, the Karma Clinic Network and Help Others the Pay It Forward Foundation and Pay it Forward Foundation. Our aim is to promote the concept of Pay-it-Forward in the hope that it will become an intrinsic part our day-to-day activities, provide opportunities whereby members can actively participate in the act of giving, to enhance the sense of community and our connection to each and every one, and to be the change we wish to see in the world.



Asheville, NC, USA



Asheville Pay it Forward