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Awakening to Grace

Mount Ida, AR, USA

Partners A-E

Awakening to Grace (Mount Ida, AR, USA)

It's Time for an Evolution in Living and Dying

Most women (and some tuned-in men) know that supporting seriously ill people can be isolating!

Don't you think it's time to move beyond feeling alone and disconnected and start sharing our questions, challenges and wisdom with each other, instead? We all live and work much better in collaboration.

Our website is a portal to the ‘Peaceful Dying, Joyful Living’ online learning community for people like you who want to become more confident, competent and compassionate in supporting friends and family who may be dying.

Here you'll find practical tips and inspirational guidance, free and for purchase on a sliding scale, so that you, your friends and your family can benefit.


Sharanagati (Sharon Burch RN, MSN) Founder & Director of Awakening to Grace

Hi, my name is Sharanagati.

I'm a holistic public health nurse who's worked in hospitals, nursing homes, home care, and hospice since the mid-1970's. In all of these places I've been painfully aware of how our healthcare system doesn't adequately inform seriously ill people or their families... or compassionately support them in making the most of their end-of-life situations.

I've been an online educator and business owner for the past 20 years; the author of two textbooks and more than 40 online continuing education courses for holistic nurses and licensed massage therapists. Today I'm a contemporary medicine woman who lives close to the earth in a quiet forested part of Arkansas.


I'm Committed to...

  • Speaking honestly and walking my talk
  • Living in authenticity, transparency, joy and gratitude
  • Practicing reciprocity and right relationship in all interactions
  • Generously giving from my heart without attachment to a return
  • Being Love and Peace in each moment... even when I do that imperfectly


Using resources wisely, remembering the world belongs to all, including the future generations

Helping you do the above if that's important to you


As the founder and director of Awakening to Grace, it's my pleasure to help you:

  • Honor what’s most important to you and the person who’s dying
  • Talk about death and dying with the dying person and their family
  • Navigate the healthcare / medical system with more grace and ease
  • Receive practical tips and inspiring guidance from people who have extensive experience helping dying persons make a peaceful transition
  • Access the 'Peaceful Dying Joyful Living' online learning community for your support 24/7


I'm truly inspired by the people I meet – their caring, compassion, dedication, courage and commitment. My work is a privilege and a joy, and I'd be honored to work with you.


Please Be My Guest

Please be my guest and receive guidance, support and meaningful insight from my tips and inspirational emails. Simply enter your email address in the box below.

I look forward to supporting you on your journey!


~ Sharanagati (Sharon) Burch, RN, MSN


Awakening to Grace is an innovative not-for-profit organization that helps people facilitate peace for friends and family members who are dying.



Mount Ida, Arkansas, USA



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