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Brain Insights

Hartland, WI, USA

Partners A-E

Brain Insights (Hartland, WI, USA)

Brain Insights creates an inspired understanding of early brain development in everyday language leading to confidence for parents and professionals!

Brain Insights unique materials and eye opening presentations make brain development concepts apply to real life situations. Brain development isn’t about pushing children to learn more at early ages or having the perfect toys. It is about providing real, fun learning experiences and loving interactions with children .

Special times with your children can easily fit into your busy life. You just need to have ideas and information about what to do right at your fingertips……… and here it is!!

Neuro-Nurturing packets each hold 40 fun and simple ideas and inspiring insights so you can very easily share with parents and grandparents.

Everything experience is developing the brain of a child….. Play and love are the experiences young children need most. The ideas in these packets make the early years positive for you to convey this understanding.

Each packet contains an explanation of how the brain benefits from each activity.



Hartland, WI, USA



Brain Insights Online

Facebook page: Brain Insights