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Bridge Alliance

Boulder, CO, USA

Partners A-E

Bridge Alliance (Boulder, CO, USA)

Bridge Alliance Organizations have agreed to these four principles:

  1. Alliance members believe that our country is stronger when our leaders work together constructively to meet the challenges we face.
  2. Alliance members advocate a stronger voice for citizens in the political and social process.
  3. Alliance members believe that respectful, civil discourse is necessary for genuine problem-solving to address our great challenges.
  4. Alliance members are committed to exploring learning from each other and aligning their efforts to support each other for raising the collective visibility and impact of all member organizations.


The Bridge Alliance exists to upgrade our democratic republic. We do so by serving organizations and citizens who are uniting Americans across the political divides to increase civility and collaboration. Its members include pioneering organizations that have collectively spent hundreds of years connecting Americans who disagree with each other yet are working together to make the best decisions for their communities and our nation. While some Alliance members are focused on state legislatures or the US Congress, others are focused on businesses, universities, and neighborhoods. But all have in common a commitment to working together for collective impact and increased visibility for all those who want to strengthen the common ground on which the United States of America depends.



Boulder, Colorado, USA



Facebook page: Bridge Alliance