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Business Alliance for the Future

Seattle, WA, USA

Partners A-E

Business Alliance for the Future (Seattle, WA, USA)


Our purpose is to catapult the Business for Good movement through unprecedented collaboration.


What We’re About

A new movement is emerging – where business is the key to global transformation and the structure for creating a better world.

We are business associations, networks and affiliated partners who share a common commitment to this movement, to produce a tipping point in industries and markets towards an environmentally sustainable, socially just, spiritually fulfilling, economically thriving and life-enhancing future.

We see business as the institution that has the power, influence, capacity and the opportunity to make the decisive difference. By working in new ways with other sectors of society — business is a force to alter our trajectory and literally change the course of history. 

We see the Business for Good movement emerging all around us: socially responsible corporations, social entrepreneurship, sharing economics, B Corps, Fair Trade, impact investing and worker-owned business models. All of these are having a positive impact on business’ ability to address our world’s epic challenges. But the question remains — are these initiatives happening fast enough, or at a scale large enough, to produce the systemic change we need to remedy the breakdowns we face? We believe that the answer is, “no,” so long as we continue to primarily work alongside each other and with each other as we’ve always done.   

It’s clear that business has the power, influence, and capacity and the opportunity to make the decisive difference — but only if we can learn to work together in entirely new ways to amplify and accelerate our desired results.

The Business Alliance for the Future fills this gap by expanding, enhancing and dramatically accelerating this movement. We do this by connecting business associations, networks and affiliated partners who share this belief, and inviting them to explore and create breakthrough collaborations.

We are creating new ways of unifying and working interdependently to exponentially accelerate needed systemic change — without creating another organization.

By learning to work together in new ways, we will catalyze a tipping point in industries and markets towards an environmentally sustainable, socially just, spiritually fulfilling, economically thriving and life-enhancing future. This experiment to discover new ways of working together is intended to create business as a force to alter our trajectory and literally change the course of history.


What We’re Doing

We are building an action laboratory to be a source of new breakthroughs in business collaboration.

We convene and connect resonating groups to foster key “collaborative ensembles” around core issues that span current networks. The ensembles help create a voice with global impact that engenders systemic change and collective action that may not be possible working within our current networks.

We host spring and fall forums to help our collaborating partners advance their critical priorities with others. At these forums, we will explore new thinking and practices in collaboration that we believe to be key to accelerating the Business for Good movement.

We promote, publish and share the positive, difference-making stories of the participants and their networks to bring about a tipping point in the level of worldwide consciousness and action in service of a flourishing, sustainable planet with enough, for all, forever.



Seattle, Washington, USA