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Centre hospitalier de l'Universite de Montreal

Montreal, QC, Canada

Partners A-E

Centre hospitalier de l'Universite de Montreal (Montreal, QC, Canada)

The promotion of health is an important value for the CHUM and rightly fits among the components of its mission.Since 2007, the CHUM created a directorate responsible for supporting and advising other directions CHUM in setting up in health promotion initiatives, the current Quality Branch, promotion of health and the patient experience. The CHUM has since been accredited as a hospital health advocate by the World Organization health and participates in the activities of the Quebec Network of Health Promoting establishments, the first regional network to have implanted outside the borders of Europe.


Our Rationale

The CHUM is a university hospital of the University of Montreal.It primarily provides care and ultra-specialized services to a regional and supra adult clientele.

Innovative and exemplary, with a research center that distinguishes it, the CHUM stands out as unique devel

opment pole of implementation and knowledge transfer activities through its integrated care, research, teaching, evaluation of technologies and modes of health intervention and health promotion.

By putting the patient at the heart of its activities, the CHUM works closely with him and his family.It provides the best treatments and plays a key role in improving the health and well-being of Quebecers.


Our Values

The CHUM is a university, a place of knowledge and transfer of knowledge, innovation, technology and advanced practices, but it is also a human environment.

Each day, his expertise is reflected in thousands of interactions.We attach great importance to the quality of our behavior.A smile, attention, a warm presence and courtesy are priorities at the CHUM.

The institution's values ​​reflect the ambition to offer the best quality and the best experience of care and services to patients and their relatives.Respect for the dignity and autonomy of patients humanizes their relationships with different health professionals.So they make sense and guide the actions, all apply to translate values ​​into action.



We offer care and services that meet the highest standards and contribute to the health and well-being of patients.We maintain this care to the forefront of knowledge, resources, research and technology.



We recognize and respect the right to privacy of patients, professionals and students, and are listening to our resources.We adhere to the highest standards of medicine in trust and transparency.



We invest time and resources to ensure a high level of quality in services to patients and students, in a spirit of efficiency and performance while maintaining our ability to cope with changes.We cultivate the desire for excellence and transcendence.



We promote collaboration and mutual enrichment within teams and this both internally and externally, to develop the best offer of care and service to our patients.



We learn from our experiences and rely on the creativity and expertise of our team members to solve problems and create new standards and practices. 


Our Vision

Carrying a great project for Quebec, CHUM stands out among the largest university hospital centers internationally by:

  • quality of care and services offered to its patients, considered care episodes and mission partners;
  • the supra-regional leadership and international reach of its leading sectors in care, research and teaching;
  • its innovative practices, efficient and integrated, for the well-being and health of the patient and the population;
  • the quality of education provided for all health professions, innovation of its training practices and effectiveness of knowledge transfer;
  • excellence in its management practices and its ability to create a work environment and healthy and stimulating training to its staff and its students to offer their full potential;
  • the continued commitment of the staff, physicians, students and volunteers;
  • the quality of its partnerships within an integrated network of health and education, as well as with its partners from the scientific, economic and community;
  • its civic involvement and contribution to society project in Quebec.



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