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Chance Films

Santa Monica, CA, USA

Partners A-E

Chance Films (Santa Monica, CA, USA)

Chance Films provides the tools and creativity to produce powerful documentaries for

  • Broadcast
  • Public forums
  • Fundraising
  • Educational use


The award-winning team chooses to take a socially active role through film, striving to promote understanding and real change in a tumultuous and unpredictable world. Road to Return, narrated by Tim Robbins, which aired on PBS, was presented to the United States Congress, prompting a bill authorizing 6 million dollars for prison aftercare. Juvies, narrated by Mark Wahlberg and shown on HBO, toured the world as one of the top ten “Human Rights Watch” films of 2005. Juvies also screened at the United Nations, encouraging the first ever conference on juvenile justice. Her latest film, Unlikely Friends, narrated by Mike Farrell, continues her passion to invite audiences to think creatively when addressing the problems of the criminal justice system that ultimately impact us all.

10409676 718833401560491 3414981280889418572 n 1Unlikely Friends: The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world with one out of 32 Americans under criminal justice supervision. The rest of the world is intrigued by the paradox that the leading democracy in the free world imprisons so many of its citizens, 25% of the total prisoners worldwide.

Unlikely Friends documents victims of brutal crimes who, through forgiveness, unexpectedly become friends with their perpetrators.

Finding a criminal justice system that has left them empty and unsupported, these victims of unspeakable crimes forgive out of a deep need to heal themselves, which in turn motivates the perpetrator to fully account for their actions and thereby begin the process of true rehabilitation.

These relationships, so unfathomable for most of us, open our thinking to new possibilities of how to transform a system ensconced in punishment and retribution to one of restorative justice that is based in humanity.




Santa Monica, CA, USA



Unlikely Friends Forgive

Facebook page: Unlikely Friends Forgive