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Children of the Earth

South Burlington, VT, USA

Partners A-E

Children of the Earth (South Burlington, VT, USA)

Children of the Earth is a not-for-profit, officially recognized United Nations NGO organization, dedicated to the building of a better future for all generations. To this end, COE offers Youth leadership programs globally and through technology, local educational workshops, as well as presentations at the national and international forums. Trainings are also offered online for a community of new world builders.
Children of the Earth is an organization whose purpose is to create a network of young leaders committed to the promotion of peace and opportunity. Under the visionary leadership of Dr. Nina Meyerhof, COE has been bringing youth together for over 30 years, providing opportunities to these young leaders who are committed to positive global change. By developing a culture of co-operation, collaboration, and understanding of our common humanity, these young people serve their local communities and influence others through sharing their vision of how we can live sustainably together. 
COE promotes the concepts of creating greater global cooperation, multicultural understanding, spiritual values and ethical living.
COE’s goal is for Youth to hear the call, one by one, and individually become socially responsible and active peace builders for their own future. 

The 21st century holds the greatest possibilities for an integrated peaceful and prosperous global community. Connected by telecommunications and a growing spirituality, children and  youth have a chance to actualize an evolutionary state of being.The kind of world that the next generation will experience will depend upon their collective vision and actions. As youth shift towards love, compassion and education, they will deploy resources for the common good, lifting up all people to a life of hope and security.



South Burlington, VT, USA



Children of the Earth

Facebook page: Children of the Earth