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Circles of Nonviolence / Community

The Circles Movement of Movements

Circles of Nonviolence / Community Collaboratives Initiative

Please note that this nonviolence-centered civil society effort's goal is to help foster a compassionate world. It has been endorsed by Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, the Charter for Compassion, Erica Chenoweth, and other learned lights to peace and justice on our traumatized Grandmother Earth and is now called "Intersectional Circles" and its updated related documents can be found at the following three links:

  1. Intersectional Circles Initiative
  2. Culture-analysis Institute Concept/Project
  3. PATH (Peace And Truth Heals); A 2024 speaking tour by Moji Agha: Iranian Nonviolence; Native/American Truth and Reconciliation; and Intersectional Circles.


Mission Statement

A non-partisan, facilitative, and horizontal META-organization, the Circles of Nonviolence/Community Collaboratives (a.k.a. the Circles Movement of Movements) is NOT yet another initiative to add to, and unintentionally compete with, the already existing peace, justice, interfaith-dialogue, Earth-protection, etc. efforts and groups within the American civil society. 

Rather, this is a MOVEMENT-BUILDING synergistic initiative, started but not run by the Mossadegh Legacy Institute―MLI. So, our ethically informed core mission is to facilitate effectively the "indigenous" co-creation of a comprehensive grid of "Circles of Nonviolence/Community Collaboratives" integrated-in-collaboration across the whole of the U.S. -- and eventually around the world.

Therefore, "We the People" will tackle this profoundly challenging task non-ideologically, democratically, systematically, interfaithfully, and interculturally; or in other words "integra-cumulatively." Hence, this grass roots co-empowering integration process is impact-focused. It will try to integrate (not "unify" -- see below) the inevitably and invaluably diverse (but currently systematically un-integrated) nonviolent actions and efforts of our "divided and conquered" currently fragmented American civil society.

In other words, the heart of this "Socratic" integration process is retaining, and indeed cherishing (by definition) the unique and needed roles of all participating actors (persons or organizations) within the U.S. civil society, while facilitating an effective process of "indigenous" mutual co-empowerment among such actors--aiming to manifest synergistic impact.

So, we believe that this ethically-informed diversity-cherishing nonviolent "post-modern" form of co-strengthening integration of action (in contrast with "unification" of mission or identity) is profoundly needed at this point in our history. WHY? 

Because "We the People" are struggling against militarism/violence, injustice/inequality, and nature abuse/ecocide. And we recognize that this historic challenge is a critical (initially) American nonviolent movement of movements for real and sustainable change--toward restoring a Mother Earth on which all potentials of life, in nurtured synergy, balance, and justice, would flourish sustainably in the peaceful bosom of true wisdom.


Contact Information

To contact brother Moji Agha directly.

For more information, please go to the website of the Mossadegh Legacy Institute (MLI,) wherein you will find the “America for Nonviolence” page, from which some of the above-outlined information has been excerpted.



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