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Cities of Peace

East Hampton, NY, USA

Partners A-E

Cities of Peace (East Hampton, NY, USA)

Cities of Peace directs world attention to the critical role of cities in sustaining what is creative and hopeful in civilization. The power of culture as a prerequisite for peace, as a source for intellectual, emotional and spiritual well-being and as a resource for socio-economic development and environmental sustainability is more important than ever.

Cities of Peace began as a kitchen-table, US based non-profit, founded by visionary leader, Dr. Ellen Frank. The process directs action through hopeful energy by celebrating the best of the human spirit, transforming anguish into beauty. Cities of Peace honors the history and culture of world cities that have experienced major conflict and trauma. Cities include Baghdad, Beijing, Hiroshima, Jerusalem, Kabul, Lhasa, Monrovia, New York, Sarajevo, and Yerevan. Cities of Peace began as a collection of monumental paintings, in collaboration with interns, scholars and experts united from more than 25 countries.

Cities of Peace has moved towards a virtual institute that provides programs in creativity, peace education, architecting a new cultural diplomacy through building consortiums with academic institutions, museums, cultural centers, non-profits, NGO's and governments. It enhances the development of leadership and civic responsibility, expanding world consciousness and knowledge of cultures and traditions of people from around the world. While images of violence and destruction permeate our societies, Cities of Peace embraces images of beauty, celebrating the greatness of humankind's achievements, directing world attention to the critical role of cities in sustaining what is creative and hopeful in civilization. It inspires participants, communities and world audiences to protect, develop and improve critical urban centers throughout the world.


Cities of Peace strengthens through cooperation and activities:

  1. Through art by witnessing and meaning making. Aesthetic engagement rests on reciprocity between the work of art and those who behold or witness it
  2. Collaborative reciprocal, learning platforms
  3. Strategizes by promoting intercultural dialogue
  4. Promotes interconnection to our shared humanity and heritage
  5. Advances mutual understanding and acknowledgement of world cities and cultures
  6. Interfaces with youth groups, academic institutions, museums, cultural centers, non-profits, NOGO's and governments


Cities of Peace:

  1. Affirms resilience
  2. Mobilizes the resources of human creativity to heal and transform the dynamics of conflict
  3. Builds and rebuilds strength and dignity in places where, through war and acts of violence, the fabric of life has been damaged, including cultural life
  4. Stirs compassionate and ethical action
  5. Offers the opportunity to choose and act on this awareness that art evokes in us



East Hampton, NY, USA



Cities of Peace