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Community Trust

Toronto, ON, Canada

Partners A-E

Community Trust (Toronto, ON, Canada)

Community Trust Windsor Essex aims to engage our whole community in offering authentic, compassionate, flexible support across boundaries and social connection over the aging and end-of-life journey of our citizens.


Our Vision

Each of us, working together, to make ourselves, our citizens and our community more well.


Who We Are

We are connected citizens, families, neighbours, youth, volunteers, educators, businesses, labour, providers and leaders working together with a shared vision, trust in each other, and a game plan to improve the human development and well-being of the people in Windsor-Essex county through compassion and kindness. 




  • To make sure that the care all vulnerable, frail and aging citizens in our county receive is the kind of care we want our mothers and children to receive.
  • To be a dynamic and active community partnership that empowers, coaches, educates and supports all citizens. To work together to optimize the full range of community assets, holistic support and social connections available in the community so citizens may achieve their highest quality of life. 
  • To have Windsor-Essex recognized as a compassionate community and inspire a minimum of 10,000 Windsor-Essex citizens and organizations to step up and stand out for Windsor-Essex by committing to champion compassion and kindness.
  • To seize this opportunity to be best in the world at something that matters.


Setting our Compass

We will work towards being a compassionate, intelligent, solution-based community that empowers and helps all citizens and their families (of any definition) from cradle to grave to:

  1. Be in charge of their own wellness so they can live their life to the fullest at every stage of their aging and end-of-life journey.
  2. Be prepared for aging and loss and know where to go and how to ask for help.
  3. Be authentically supported, in their preferred way, both through formal programs when they need care as well as in their homes in their day to day lives.
  4. Express their wishes now and for the future and make progress in realizing their most important goals, as they define them.
  5. Live with dignity, and have support to die in their preferred circumstances and location.


And, through its culture, services, and volunteers, acts to ensure that:

  1. All citizens, partners in care, and care workers can easily get the education, information, coaching and understanding they need.
  2. All citizens have access to appropriate personalized, outcome-based, joined up care, where and when they need it.
  3. Community partners work together to make creative use of the full range of community assets to optimize care to aging, frail and vulnerable citizens to achieve their highest quality of life, within a non-judgmental framework, and to deal with grief.
  4. Compassion and kindness permeates all levels, all services, and all generations.
  5. Equitable outcomes are achieved for all citizens, regardless of their health, social or economic status.


Out Shared Values

  • We seek GREAT care for everyone who needs it in our community.  We choose to embrace aging, end of life, death, dying and loss as a normal aspect of social life that involves the whole of this community, and not only as a medical event.
  • We will work to be a community that offers genuine and authentic support for all our aging, frail and vulnerable citizens and their families, wherever and whenever they need us, according to their preferences, abilities, and what’s most important to them.
  • We build capacity, resiliency and sufficiency by offering tools and resources that empower citizens and those that care about them to better manage their own health, social connections, and well-being, and coordinate their TOTAL care environment. 
  • We will ensure that ALL adults and children in our community with dementia, other progressive life-limiting illness, and lighter end personal support needs, their families and their caregivers (especially those that are marginalized and isolated) are offered the holistic, proactive, timely and continuous care and support they need, through the entire journey both preceding and following death, to help them live as they choose, and to optimize their quality of life, comfort, dignity and security.
  • We believe that all people, especially the most vulnerable and complex among us, can receive the on-going care and support they need to live more successfully in the community
    • at no increased cost to the public
    • with less chance of damage to themselves or others
    • using resources and structures that are currently available
  • We will apply certain fundamental human values in every human service interaction – including compassion, respect for persons, commitment to integrity/ethical practice, commitment to excellence, and fairness/equity.
  • Compassion itself is holistic and encompasses four aspects of human being:


  1. COMPASSION = Spiritual (relates to the core value that every human being comes from with respect to others)
  2. PASSION = Emotional (relates to the primary energy that supports our belief and actions in implementing compassion)
  3. PASS = Mental (relates to the process of deciding to be involved or not and how)
  4. COMPASS = Physical (relates to how the decisions are implemented)


The Windsor Essex Compassionate Community Charter

  • We will trade solutions not dollars to fill the gap between what government can provide and what citizens need. We will stand up as champions and get started with the community capital we have. We will work to build and sustain community assets on behalf of citizens’ collective well-being.
  • We will recognize that this is a life-long community mission and will maintain persistent focus.
  • We will build care from the citizen/social network unit up, capitalizing on citizen, family and community strengths and assets.
  • We will communicate a sense of urgency, and enlist a volunteer army to help - many hands make light work.
  • We will work remove barriers more swiftly and agilely by coordinating reciprocating actions across government (health, social, education), non-profit organizations, business, labour and the public (citizens, caregivers, volunteers)
  • We will respect where organizations are at within a non-judgmental framework, but will work to deepen their sense of community attachment, make it easier to communicate and work across boundary, make them more aware of the priorities and outcomes of the citizens they serve, and create a strong community culture by promoting well-being and the prevention of problems ahead of the provision of services.
  • We will work cross boundary to ameliorate negative effects and gaps inherent in existing systems. If necessary, we will step in as volunteers to fill important but otherwise unsolvable gaps while building a business case and influencing the system to catch up.
  • We will link individuals and institutions to collaboratively produce social gain. We will embrace a culture of experimentation, innovation and entrepreunership by favouring lightweight, agile solutions and learning from intelligent failures. As a solution economy, we will shepard new solutions to solve problems, enable new models and processes that are scalable to deliver public benefit and provide new sources of value.
  • We will face the challenges inherent in this citizen-driven journey together as a community, with compassion and humility, celebration, and joy in our power to care. 



Toronto, ON, Canada



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