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Compassion Education

Bend, OR, USA

Partners A-E

Compassion Education (Bend, OR, USA)

The purpose of Compassion Education is to provide opportunities and resources for individuals to cultivate compassion in their personal lives, communities and workplaces. Aly Waibel, PhD is a Senior Educator of the 8-week Stanford Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) program. She offers CCT and workshops to leaders, executives and community members in Bend, Oregon and private consultation to individuals in Bend and beyond.


Compassion Cultivation Training students say: 
  • “I just completed this 8-week course on cultivating compassion and it has helped me in so many tangible ways: I have a daily meditation practice (for 3 mos), a longer fuse, an ability to breathe deeply through tough moments or situations, am more direct, act more courageously and feel more connected to those in my life as well as all others with whom I share this planet."
  • “I’m more calm. Not as quick to react, I have more awareness of others’ suffering vs. being judgmental and dismissive. My life and my family’s life is forever changed for the better. After the 3rd or 4th week I knew that I wanted to incorporate this with the rest of my life and work.”
  • "This is a class that fills you up rather than draining your tank!"
  • "I cannot say enough about what a great experience this was for me... If you want to up your personal vibe and learn some amazing things (there are great physiological benefits from this course!), sign up.” 
  • "This course was literally life changing for me. I can't say enough about it to enough people in my circles. Just thank you!"




Bend, OR, USA