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Connected Kids

Innerleithen, United Kingdom

Partners A-E

Connected Kids (Innerleithen, UK)

“helping adults connect to their kids and teens through mindful activities”

Back in 2003, Lorraine Murray set up her own company as a qualified Complementary Therapist and meditation teacher.  Since then, she has dedicated her life to helping empower children, teens and adults with meditation and mindfulness skills.  She has her own private meditation practice which has helped her through many difficult challenges since 1998.

After years of research, Lorraine had her first book published in 2012, ‘Calm Kids – help children relax with mindful activities’.  Previously (2010) she had established an accredited education programme, Connected Kids’,  to show parents, educators and other professionals how to teach children meditation and mindfulness.

To date, Lorraine has travelled worldwide teaching adults how to teach children meditation.  She has sold over 12,000 books worldwide and her 2nd book  was released in 2014 – aimed at showing adults how to teach meditation to children/teens who had special needs, autism or ADHD.


Our Mindful Supporters

We have had so much support over the years, and in 2014 we launched our first ever crowd-funding project to help support the 2nd book.  Here are our wonderful supporters who helped make it happen.



Innerleithen, United Kingdom