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Consciously Resting Meditation

Mableton, GA, USA

Partners A-E

Consciously Resting Meditation (Mableton, GA, USA)

Consciously Resting Meditation (CRM), developed by Dr. Kofi Kondwani, psychologist and faculty member at Morehouse School of Medicine (Atlanta, Georgia), is a simple, natural mental technique practiced sitting quietly with eyes closed. Meditation’s effects have been known for thousands of years to settle the mind and body down to a state of restful alertness. The mind remains aware of its surroundings, yet settles down causing the body to initiate a relaxation response as indicated by the immediate reductions in breathing and heart rates.

CRM is easy to learn and easy to practice. CRM is a process where you do less and less until the natural tendencies of the mind and body to heal and purify do the rest. It has been shown to prevent or reduce stress and improve one’s overall health and wellbeing. The technique is taught to groups or individuals over two consecutive days with periodic follow-up.

For more than 30 years, Dr. Kondwani has been practicing, teaching, and researching the effects of meditation on mind and body, consciousness and the nervous system. Dr. Kondwani has studied with master meditation teachers from Africa, India, and the Americas, who are experts in the field of development of consciousness. Dr. Kondwani earned his Ph.D. in Psychophysiology (mind-body medicine) from Maharishi International University.



Mableton, Georgia, USA