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Continental Youth Watch Development

Dar-es-Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania

Partners A-E

Continental Youth Watch Development (Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of)

We are an organization dealing in all forms of humanitarian development activities especially those involving youth, women and children at all levels. Hence our most considerable partners are Youth and Women professional volunteers majoring in different disciplines of social development profession areas, other related disciplines, and we are competently figured with both global and specific objectives reach in humanitarian support and social wellbeing campaign as described therein below:

  • Legal & Human rights affairs
  • Social development affairs  including project designing, training & implementations
  • Early childhood & other related formal and informal education projects
  • Youth life experience exchanging programs, including seminars, workshops & conferences
  • Conflict resolution management participatory programs
  • Voluntary women peace & security keeping activities 
  • Political, economic research, advisory and consultant mission programs
  • Environmental research and conservation activities
  • Children's social and moral protection activities
  • Policy making and enhancement activities
  • Promoting early childhood education among the marginalized children's society


Strategically we intend to implement activities which enables the entire community dwellers within the organization member states who particularly are vulnerable youths and other similar social groups:

  • To access information which enables them to understand their constitutional legal rules & rights for the entire community benefits.
  • To effectively engage in policy enacting enhancement & monitoring dialogue on poverty reduction activity programs.
  • To advocate for the deficient human rights in Tanzania & Africa at large.
  • Implementing capacity building project activities in the regions of Tanzania.
  • Implementing both preliminary & secondary sustainable development piloting projects in Tanzania & the neighboring community.
  • Implement peace keeping activities & watch the development of diplomatic resolutions in Africa, etc.
  • Volunteering in peace Accord implementation worldwide  



Dar-es-Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania



Facebook page: Continental Youth Watch Development Organization, Tanzania