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San Antonio, TX, USA

Partners A-E

Culturingua (San Antonio, TX, USA)

Culturingua is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in San Antonio, Texas, whose mission is to enable children to be global citizens through teaching world languages and cultures. Culturingua teaches Spanish, French, and Arabic language and culture to children ages 4 to 18. We provide programs to children across the socioeconomic spectrum, giving all children the opportunity to open doors and maximize their potential for the future.

As psycholinguist Frank Smith said, "One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” These open doors not only represent opportunities for better communication, as bilinguals have often been found to outperform monolinguals in a variety of ways.

Our instructors teach Spanish, French, and Arabic and are all native speakers or have achieved Superior language abilities. They have experience teaching their target language and go through a detailed training on Culturingua teaching methods and curriculum. We offer numerous programs to meet various age-levels and needs. In each program, our instructors come to your school, neighborhood, or home to conduct language classes, increasing the access to language learning opportunities. Our curriculum introduces children to foreign languages through song, games, and cultural activities and follows the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) guidelines.

We follow a three-step process of teaching comprehensible input, encouraging low-stress output, and providing opportunities for structured interaction to encourage low-stress output, and providing opportunities for structured interaction to encourage authentic foreign language acquisition. We follow the ACTFL’s 90/10 guidelines where 90% of class time is taught in the target language and 10% is taught in English, only as necessary.

Program offerings include preschool, elementary, homeschool, summer camps, library programs, private lessons and private tutoring.



San Antonio, TX, USA




Facebook page: Culturingua