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Worthing, England, United Kingdom

Partners A-E

CYN-Mediation (Worthing, England, United Kindgom)

CYN stands for “Compassionate You Now” – a set of ACTION words to stimulate and channel positive active compassionate energy immediately, from the individual

CYN Mediation provides Mediation Support to International Conflict environments to strengthen the prevention and resolution of violent conflict scenarios, to achieve sustainable non-violent and peaceful outcomes


Principles of Compassion-based Approach

  • Our personal layers of culture, gender, race and personal life experience provide a point of reference to recognise difference with 7.6 billion other individuals here on earth, and thus an amazing opportunity to experience conflict. From this arises the opportunity to learn empathy and compassion in the way we respond to all the perceived differences.
  • Learning to be compassionate is a fundamental lesson of the human experience, i.e. we all share the same purpose and opportunity.
  • A mediation process that can facilitate all parties to a reach a greater understanding of their similarities and common aspirations and fears, increases the chances of sustainable peaceful outcomes.



Worthing, England, United Kingdom