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Davi Nikent Center for Human Flourishing

Carbondale, CO, USA

Partners A-E

Davi Nikent Center for Human Flourishing (Carbondale, CO, USA)

We promote integral health and human flourishing.



Our mission is promote health and well-being for individuals, families and community by offering experiential workshops, seminars, retreats and topical films by pioneers in integral health* and human flourishing.**

* The expansion of the health and healing process to address the entire range of the human experience: biological, psychospiritual, relational and cultural. The expansion of consciousness rather than the “medical took kit” is a central aspect of the integral approach.
** A profound and enduring state of health, happiness, and inner peace.

Definitions from Dr. Elliott Dacher published in his book, Integral Health: the Path to Human Flourishing.



To establish a center that provides a welcoming and nurturing environment; guidance by committed integral practitioners focused on supporting clients to attain a level of authentic and sustained health, happiness and wholeness. We partner with an expansive roster of local organizations to present insights into the shifting global consciousness as it pertains to health, well-being, healing and flourishing.

The foundational concepts for the center are based on the Asklepian Temple tradition.


Promoting Integral Health and Human Flourishing

Dävi Nikent offers programs and presentations by pioneers in integral health and human flourishing. We co-create health and wholeness in body, mind and spirit.

Dävi Nikent — “Always Light” in Ute — nurtures the individual and the community  by partnering with teachers, authors, filmmakers and practitioners rooted in a diverse range of global perspectives on physical and spiritual well-being.

We are inspired by the work of Elliott Dacher, MD, author of Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. According to Dacher, integral health is… a flourishing of body, mind and spirit that when fully realized leads to an expansive and sustained health, happiness and wholeness for ourselves and for humankind. 


Carbondale, CO, USA



Facebook page: Davi Nikent



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