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David J. Johnson, Ph.D.

New York, NY, USA

Partners A-E

David J. Johnson, Ph.D. (New York, NY, USA)

Depression and Anxiety - The problem(s) and the solution(s) are in your thinking

When you're depressed or anxious, it's common to feel that you are broken, flawed or 'less than' in comparison to other people - because you think and [then] feel so negative. The truth is, you are not inherently a negative person, or worrisome, or depressed or anxious person- you may simply be 'thinking' in a way that makes you feel or experience life as though you are. Once you understand how your thinking patterns work, and how they build upon themselves -- you can use the same process that drives you deeper into your negative and/or inaccurate thoughts and resulting behavior(s), to overcome the many symptoms of your negative and/or inaccurate thought patterns. The key is to separate your 'true self' from your depressed, anxious or worrisome self- which is often brought about by negative and/or inaccurate thought patterns.


When deciding how to find a psychologist...

The question of how to find a psychologist often begins with identifying the areas of one's life that could most benefit from change, improvement or adjustment...



Therapy, or Psychotherapy, is the process of meeting with a Psychologist/Therapist for the primary purpose of resolving problematic behavior(s), belief(s), feeling(s), and/or somatic responses (physical sensations in the body) to stress. Therapy can address and resolve a large number of specific concerns, life-issues, and symptoms.


Therapy Basics

In all Modes of Therapy, you will establish goals for Therapy, as well as determining the steps you will take to meet those Goals. Whether in Individual, Group, or Marital/Family Therapy, The Relationship with your Psychologist/Therapist - is a protected and confidential relationship, and one that focuses not only- on the content of what you discuss, but also the process. The Therapeutic Process - [How you share your Feelings and Experiences], is considered to be just as important as the specific issues and/or concerns that you share/bring to Therapy. On the whole, you can expect that the/your Psychologist/Therapist will be someone who Supports You, Listens to You, Operates in the Context of a Healthy Relationship, Gives You Appropriate Feedback, Follows Ethical Guidelines-and, Leads You To Your..."Best Self."


Types of Therapy

For as many Therapists as there are, there are just as many different Theories about how people grow and achieve positive change(s) in Therapy. With this in mind, your Therapist's approach to treatment, the "Treatment Model" that is used, is a very important part of your Change/Healing Process. It helps to guide You and your Therapist in reaching your goals in Therapy. Looking for a Therapist can be an overwhelming process, especially when considering the many types of Therapy-that exist.



Erie, Pennsylvania, USA



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