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Eco Angel Enterprises

Solvang, CA, USA

Partners A-E

Eco Angel Enterprises (Solvang, CA, USA)

Karen Palmer is affectionately known as the “Queen of Kindness” she is  following her inner- calling to help women, children and animals end the suffering of abuse. She is a successful non-profit business leader, environmental educator, dog trainer, NLP  Practitioner, yoga instructor and Certified Reiki Master.

As a Law of Attraction Success Coach, Karen uses a mindful approach to create programs that help people live their dream life and inspire others. She is also  a relationship expert that has been happily married for 15 years and loving mother of a beautiful daughter. She created the board game, “Let’s Save Our Earth.” and started a  non-profit organization that  is dedicated to teaching simple things each of us can do to help the Earth. She is the founder of her local Earth Day celebration and is very involved in community service to seniors, children, and animals.

She is also a best-selling author, an online radio show host,   and frequently shares the techniques she learned while working with others and the animals in her pet care business.  She is dedicated to helping people and pets step into their greatness and believes that everyone has magic inside and enjoys empowering her clients. She is completely dedicated to making the world a better place and believes this is her true mission. She feels each of us are part of the solution and when we realize the blessings in our lives we will take care of our world.



Karen Palmer has created a masterpiece and blueprint for co-creating Heaven On Earth. This book reads like a great blockbuster movie as you journey through this divine adventure, proving that as we let go of the illusion of separation and competition we will experience a new reality on Earth. This book is to help you share your gifts in the world by manifesting and loving your dreams into this new reality or New Earth. Each chapter is filled with ways you can be part of the solution with fun action steps for everyone. The way we become Heaven on Earth is we align with the highest vision and version that belongs to all of us. We are one global family and this is a collective experience for all living beings. Kindness is the key that opens the door to global unity and will lead us back to the truth and our experience of oneness. 

Karen teaches how to combine ancient wisdom, spiritual gifts, technology, and modern science to raise the levels of gratitude, joy, love, and kindness, peace, and prosperity for all. Join in the divine dance of awakening and manifesting your dreams and living the life you were born to live. This book is a step-by-step guide to help you live the best life you have imagined. 

Experience the superpowers of gratitude and kindness to step into your magnificence and share your magnificence  Self with the entire world.



Solvang, California, USA



Purchase the book #Globalkindness Going Viral Co-Creating Heaven On Earth: How to Believe in Kindness Again

Facebook page: Puppy LoveRevolution