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Education Outside the Box

Phoenix, AZ, US

Partners A-E

Education Outside the Box (Phoenix, AZ, US)

Malcolm Forbes said “The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one”.  We here at Education Outside the Box bring you a variety of programs and services to help you, your family, your organization — opportunities for education that are, well, outside the box.  We believe that education happens in our natural environment – in the neighborhood, around the dinner table, in the garden, in the aisles of the grocery store, wherever we meet up and have the chance for positive exchange.  If we look at our local assets instead of our problems; if we explore ways to work together rather than alone; if we come together in a spirit of positive action as opposed to pointing out our issues – we will have stronger and healthier individuals, families and communities.  Imagine:  saying “hello” to your neighbor, smiling at the shop owner, playing a board game with your family…that’s where the magic happens.  Come along with me on this fun and wild ride!  Learn more about how Education Outside the Box can work with you and for you.



Phoenix, AZ, USA



Facebook page: Education Outside The Box