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Ekam Foundation

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Partners A-E

Ekam Foundation (Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India)

Ekam Foundation mobilizes a world of generous hearts with the aim of providing every child with the right to healthcare. We are not for profit organisation that works towards providing every child in Tamil Nadu, regardless of his/her financial means, with high quality, comprehensive, and continuous health care delivered in a respectful and caring environment. Since our inception in 2007, we have strives to ensure that every child that is referred to us is provided with the best possible care and that no child is denied the right to quality healthcare.



To enhance the delivery of the public healthcare system to needy children & mother and thereby reduce infant, childhood, adolescent and maternal, mortality rates



To support and improve the public health care system so as to ensure delivery of an appropriate high quality, comprehensive, continuous health care to every infant, child, adolescent and mother in a respectful, caring and family centered environment regardless of their financial situations

As Ekam volunteers and staff have identified and treated hundreds of children who have been referred to us from all over Tamil Nadu. While Ekam maintains its focus on saving the lives of children, we also realize that we can, and must do more to ensure that every child has a chance for a safe and healthy life. As Ekam foundation grows, one of the key pillars for expansion will be to engage more broadly in maternal, newborn, child and community health initiatives.



Upgrading SNCUs of Govt Hospitals, Health Screening & Training in Panchayat Level, Hospitalization of Critical Cases in Private Hospitals, Youth Wing for Health.



Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India



EKAM Oneness

Facebook page: EKAM Foundation



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