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Energy For One World

Oslo, Norway

Partners A-E

Energy For One World (Oslo, Norway)

Our Vision for the Energy For One World practice

To improve the outlook and present workings of our world energy system.


This vision is outlined in an early edition of a (program) book, a presentation, a community web-blog and has  a well developed  agenda.

  • A political agenda: “We need a global oversight and agreement on rules of the game”
  • A business and large (energy)  corporation  agenda: “making room for the new”
  • A social agenda: “we need to allow for the poor and middle-class incomes”
  • We need leadership values of the 21st century.


For your specific needs:

Energy and Energy Infrastructure are vital to the development and stability of a  country, an economy and its’ people. It fuels its infrastructure, provide  warmth and power to the homes, and allows people, goods and services to move around.

The Energy industry is hence a true utility to our lives and our well-being.

Hence, the importance of getting this right. Not only for your own nation, but also in a wider context. Energy craving or energy  scarcity in one nation, can lead to trouble elsewhere. Energy shortage  or energy prize hikes can cause economies to falter or stagnate. To create  economic crisis in size and dimensions beyond our present beliefs. To that end, it can be compared with the continued rise and fall of crises in our global financial sector. One nation can affect another nation. And so on.

The decision of one (large) nation to import oil, gas or coal from  overseas can have lasting implications to other, smaller or larger- nations. Or on the market as a whole. Making decisions on energy, energy policy and  energy infrastructure are hence important decisions. Not only because of  the impact they have- directly and indirectly- on the economy and countries  involved, but also- because many of the energy decisions are made in  time- but have a lasting effect over time. Sometimes, impacting  our global (energy)system for the next 20-30 years.

It is very difficult  for governments and board rooms to see and reflect on their individual actions short or long-term – and in a global market situation where most  parties are seeking to gain. To understand the geopolitical and  socio-economic consequences of their deeds. Moreover, and especially,  when all of us do have to operate in a market which is pretty dynamic, unpredictable, and uncertain. On all dimensions.

Energy For One World can assist you to paint a neutral picture (Vision- Scenario-Strategy- Opportunity) for yourself, your  company or your country, and which may help you to get more clarity on options  and positioning of self in a more and more interdependent and rapidly evolving  world energy constellation.

In addition- when a change in strategy or direction has been identified- we can help you to shape the organisational forms and realize the execution pathways in order to succeed.

Our Energy For One World “practice of practitioners” is available and ready to help you to get there.



Oslo, Norway



Energy for One World


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