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Engaging Peace

Westwood, MA, USA

Partners A-E

Engaging Peace (Westwood, MA, USA)

As the threat of violence in our communities and the world becomes a concern that affects our physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual foundation, we all have a choice to support issues and news that give us vision and hope. “Engaging Peace” is an interesting and informative blog that includes a monthly newsletter and an opportunity to place your literary contributions as articles or comments. Important issues related to destruction caused by war and the powerful possibilities of peace and nonviolence are posted regularly and offer opportunities to learn and engage.


About Engaging Peace

Engaging Peace, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization whose mission is to educate about alternatives to warfare, and to foster engagement and activism for the cause of world peace.

Our blog, Engaging Peace, as well as the award-winning monthly newsletter, Choosing Peace for Good, offer articles that bring academic peace studies and stories of activism to the general public.


Dedication for the blog

Engaging Peace is dedicated to two champions of peace and non-violence, Howard Zinn (1922-2010) and Freda Rebelsky (1931-2009) — freedom fighters, activists, anti-war protestors, advocates for the poor and marginalized, mentors, role models, shakers and movers.

Howard Zinn, a bomber pilot in World War II, became a strong opponent of war, and an outspoken supporter of civil rights, peace, and justice. A historian and political theorist at Boston University, he is perhaps best known for his book A People’s History of the United States: 1492-Present (1980, revised 1995), which looks at American history from the perspective of people outside “the Establishment.”

Freda Rebelsky, an activist and philanthropist for the cause of peace, was a brilliant woman who often pointed out that her last name described exactly who she was, a “rebelsky.” The first woman to receive tenure in the Psychology Department at Boston University, she was, like Professor Zinn, a widely admired, dynamic, and energizing professor who taught and mentored both Kathie Malley-Morrison and Pat Daniels, founders of the Engaging Peace blog.


Objectives of Engaging Peace

  • Promote optimism concerning the possibility of peace
  • Explore how people in power and the mainstream media persuade citizens that various forms of government-sponsored aggression, such as war and torture, are justifiable
  • Present examples of serious conflicts that have been resolved without warfare
  • Demonstrate that a major pathway to peace is through responsible activism
  • Translate into user-friendly language the best of relevant scientific and academic work contributing to the understanding of war and peace. In particular, we will periodically mention some of the major results from our own international research team.
  • Help readers find useful tools and important resources to support their own efforts to seek and promote peace.
  • Encourage readers to share their opinions and contribute their own stories and examples of “engaging peace.”



Westwood, Massachusetts, USA



Engaging Peace



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