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Equality Heals Africa

Kampala, Uganda

Partners A-E

Equality Heals Africa (Kampala, Uganda)

Our Vision

We envision a Country and Continent where all people are equally empowered and living free from discrimination, invisibility, violence and isolation.


Our Mission

To empower, equip and liberate all those at the margins of the society through education, capacity building, vocational skills in order to resist dependence-syndrome while defending their rights in this volatile situation where the community conspires to make them misfits or second-class citizens.

As indicated above, part of EHA’s target group are persons doubly marginalized in that the few who manage to escape often find that conditions in their countries of transit are not much better than those they fled. They are often targeted for violence by local authorities or civilians. The scant survival resources normally available to other refugees are often closed off to them. Therefore, the Organization affirms the need to ensure that any official body handling the beneficiaries who choose to is able to understand the myriad issues and manage these cases sensitively and appropriately.

It has become evident that most refugees, sheltering in UNHCR camps, despite the difficult conditions, think that at least they can find solace in the fact that they have escaped the persecution that sent them there in the first place, but sometimes they discover that the reality is quity different. In some cases they find themselves living in deplorable conditions; sick, beaten down, fed unsustainable food, and their bleak existence exacerbated not only by a slow resettlement process (it seems that the process can take from 2 to 3 years), but by enduring persecution at the hands of the general camp population.

EHA in full sight of this humiliating situation, networks line groups, agencies and NGOs working with refugees in Uganda and Kenya to share examples of good practice through our portal in the hope it will help others to improve approaches and lead to safety for the many beneficiaries/ refugees currently fighting for their survival.


The Multifaceted Goal of EHA

  • To ensure full realization of fair treatment and overall acceptance of all humans beings.
  • To provide and cultivate support, resources and advocacy to the victims of discrimination, hate and isolation.
  • We are committed to every person’s right to live in violence free home and have a specific focus towards addressing the cultural hiccups in determining gender equality and equity.
  • To restore and recover the lost hope of all victims of discrimination who are currently invisible in Uganda and Africa in general. 
  • To recognize and avert the absence of accessible emergency services for the victims of rape and defilement
  • To educate, motivate, and mobilize youth to improve their own lives and communities so as to become subject-experts of their own problems, challenges and solutions to overcome them.
  • To provide preventative and educational programs to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS and other STDs among the key populations......hence improving their health status.
  • To challenge and end all forms of discrimination, bullying and isolation.
  • To create, maintain and sustain an equal society.


The prime purpose is to support marginalized groups to live free from discrimination, violence, invisibility and deprivation. We do this by producing enlightening documentary films, building vocational institutions, setting up income generating projects and thus creating a society which can be proud of their progress through humanity

We would like to thank you for your precious time shared with us when you chose to visit our site and indeed success will always stay in our hands once we are committed to detect and completely decimate or destroy all forms of discrimination. Such a commitment, is the only entry point to a sustainable and equitable society that we all long for, fellow citizens of this universe.



Kampala, Uganda



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