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Monterrey, NLE, Mexico

Partners A-E

EZER ABP (Monterrey, NLE, Mexico)


Link and train volunteers to serve the community with programs and organizations of social benefit, in a professional manner, permanent and systematic and community vision.


Vision 2005-2015

In 2015 EZER will be an Association of Private Charity leader in training, development and certification, professional and systematic volunteering with community spirit. Our model will have a strong presence in Mexico, will be replicated in several countries and have a strong international reputation.



  • Contact welfare institutions and establish a compromise between the institution and EZER ABP, to offer volunteers.
  • Sensitize the different sectors of society to give their time to people who need it most.
  • Integrate volunteers and carry out the registration procedure
  • Continuous monitoring and training for volunteers enrolled in EZER ABP for motivation, development and growth.


We invite you to know and experience the joy of volunteering and sharing your knowledge and skills with people you need in: nursing homes, hospitals, shelters, brigades, houses crib and more.

Our commitment is with the NGOs. We offer training their active volunteers, according to the service they provide.

EZER, the volunteer's home, created to respond to the need to professionalize and organize volunteer service, giving it added value through motivation and training of those involved.

Volunteering has always distinguished the Monterrey community, taking place in institutions of public and private charities, NGOs and other associations.

EZER, an association of private charity, is financed through private donations, events, workshops and agreements with private companies.



Monterrey, NLE, Mexico




Facebook page: EZER ABP